Pilot scheme concludes with showcase by tech start-ups
Technology start-ups attended a special showcase event in Milton Keynes recently, marking the culmination of a pilot scheme.
The six-week pilot programme, known as HMGCC Accelerate, was launched to start-ups in January.
More than 50 companies applied to take part in the scheme, which would support them to develop their technology products for potential future use with UK national security organisations.
A total of six start-ups were taken forward with HMGCC Accelerate, which concluded with an exciting array of ideas and products being showcased with presentations by start-up leaders at a special event.
The focus of the pilot was inviting applications from start-ups working on hardware and software technologies capable of testing the cyber security mitigations of connected and isolated systems in specific ways.
Taking part offered these companies a range of opportunities such as expert mentorship, tailored product development support from experts at HMGCC and access to a co-working space in central Milton Keynes for the period of the pilot.
They also had the opportunity to pitch their work to a day held for Prime companies.
HMGCC’s James K, one of the organisers of the pilot, said: “HMGCC Accelerate has showcased the opportunities for UK technology start-ups to support national security engineering. Collaboration between government and industry opens up new opportunities for us to support the mission to keep our country safe”.