Our diversity makes the difference
"Working in national security engineering means taking on the most demanding challenges and the most determined adversaries. Throughout our history, ingenuity and free thinking have helped us stay ahead, but we know we can only keep that creative edge if we continue to reach out and embrace the extraordinary diversity of talent our country has to offer.
At HMGCC, we thrive on the spark you get when different minds meet. That’s why we’re on a mission to bring together the most diverse and representative team, drawn from all parts of the UK and all walks of life. People from different backgrounds, with different cultural heritage. People with different perspectives and lived experiences. People from the mainstream and from the fringes.
Our unique work demands a startling range of different skills from across engineering, design and innovation. And our community and culture welcomes anyone with the expertise, energy and passion to play their part."
Chief Executive Officer

HMGCC is committed to ensuring inclusiveness and equality of opportunity for all employees, through fair employment policies and practices that value diversity. We aim to recognise the value of individuals' differences and embrace them so that everyone can be themselves at work.
We currently have 9 affinity networks with each network focusing on a specific underrepresented group or protected characteristic. Below are just some of the things the affinity networks do for our organisation:
- Offer a safe space for those from underrepresented groups to share their experiences.
- Raise awareness of the experiences and issues faced by their members.
- Challenge systems that may have unintended bias towards certain groups.
- Help the organisation drive projects forward that will help build an inclusive workplace.
- Celebrate our differences.
You don’t need to have the associated characteristic to join any of the networks, everyone is welcome; all that we ask is that colleagues bring their passion, commitment and ideas to help us co-create a great place to work!
Belief Network
Our belief network provides support, advice and information related to religion and belief. The network is open to colleagues providing a safe space for those who have an interest in faith and belief issues. This includes those who have a religion or belief or who don’t. All are welcome to connect with Belief.
Our Vision:
An environment where belief is accepted and respected, allowing for colleagues to be open about their faith.
Disability Support Network
Our disability support network leads the way to ensure HMGCC creates a safe, inclusive, and diverse working environment by providing support to individuals, helping to increase awareness of disability matters, and contributing to workplace Inclusion and Diversity.
The disability support network covers health conditions and physical impairments. We have separate groups for neurodiversity and mental health as, whilst we recognise there is overlap, there are also unique experiences and challenges related to all of these.
Our Vision:
Fostering an environment where all staff are enabled to perform at their best regardless of any health conditions or physical impairments.
Ethnic Minority Network
Our ethnic minority network is a support and social network for staff from a wide range of backgrounds to come together to share experiences and ideas. You don’t have to be from an ethnic minority to join, everyone is welcome.
Our Vision
An inclusive and diverse environment where no-one is disadvantaged due to being from an ethnic minority. Where we welcome and celebrate a diverse range of heritages and backgrounds, helping to avoid group-think and to ensure our workforce represents the society it serves.

Gender Equality Network
The gender network is a space for all members of staff, no matter what gender, to discuss any issues or topics around gender equality that impacts all of us within our community and the wider world.
Our Vision:
A culture of respect with gender parity throughout the business and an organisation where diversity is valued, celebrated, and encouraged.
Mini Blogs
I started at HMGCC five years ago as a production engineer. Since then, I have moved into a new department as an evaluation test engineer. HMGCC is the first organisation that has given me the opportunities to progress in engineering, as previously in the private sector I was classed as a technician and struggled to achieve promotion despite my experience, qualifications and skill set. HMGCC engineering domain is male dominated, there is no denying that, but this does not stop me progressing in my chosen career path or job satisfaction. There are many development opportunities here at HMGCC, both technical and personal to enable you to grow within your career.
As a woman who happens to be an engineer, I am quite invested in promoting engineering opportunities to others, as well as the next generation, and therefore have become a STEM ambassador through the organisation scheme as well as an I&D representative. I have also achieved professional registration with the Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET) through line manager encouragement and support. I appreciate that the organisation strives to make gender equality better in male dominated professions, as well as other diversity areas, even if they don't get it right all the time, it is a journey I am proud to be part of.
LGBTQ+ Network
This is an open group available to everyone who has an interest in sexual orientation and/or gender identity. Whether you identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community, have a colleague, parent, sibling, child, best friend who does or simply support equal rights, you are WELCOME.
Our Vision:
Fostering and maintaining an environment in which LGBTQ+ colleagues, friends, family, and allies feel safe and supported.

Mini Blogs
As a trans woman joining any organisation, I've always been worried by how I will be seen. It was fantastic to join HMGCC and to be met by people from the LGBTQ+ group. Seeing people wear rainbow lanyards and the rainbow flag flying really gave me a feeling that I wouldn't have any issues when I joined, and I didn't.
I came out as lesbian to my colleagues after having worked with them for five years. I worried beforehand about how they would treat me but they were so accepting of me. Their attitude made me feel safe to be myself at work and enabled me to be the best that I can. Eleven years on and I work with the same team and I enjoy dedicating some of my work time to running the LGBTQ+ support group at HMGCC. I hope it benefits all of my current and future colleagues.
I joined the organisation over 9 years ago now. I'm an open gay man and can't say I've faced any discrimination at work. I have seen HMGCC strengthen its understanding of people who are different, unique... whether that's gender, sexual orientation, neurodiversity and other things that make us one-offs. The atmosphere feels friendly and familiar and our differences are seen as a positive influence on our work.
I've recently joined as an ally to the LGBTQ+ group at HMGCC. My personal mission is to show that you don't have to be part of the LGBTQ+ community to care about LGBTQ+ issues, just like you don't have to be EM to deplore racism. Everyone at HMGCC has been very welcoming and it's lots of fun to be involved in such a lively group!
Menopause Support Network
Menopause is a stage in life that 50% of the population will go through, typically between the age of 45 – 55 years old when their periods stop. It brings with it a range of symptoms which vary person to person. For some, they may experience mild symptoms but for many, symptoms can significantly impact day to day life.
The menopause support network is open to anyone directly affected by menopause themselves, is supporting a colleague, family member or friend through it or is simply curious about the menopause.
Our Vision:
Fostering an environment where the menopause is not a taboo subject, and instead colleagues can speak openly about this period of their lives.
Mental Health Network
Mental health matters.
As an organisation we recognise that a supportive environment where people look out for one another makes them feel good about coming to work.
Our mental health network are a group of volunteers who are interested in the wellbeing of our people, and they work to ensure the services provided help to promote positive mental health.
Our Vision:
Creating an inclusive culture where colleagues can be open about mental health and wellbeing, providing support to one another.
Neurodiversity Network
The organisation runs a specific support network focused on neurodiversity, that is actively working to develop a language and acceptance around neuro-difference and to celebrate and leverage neurodiversity strengths while working with our HR and Occupational Health department to accommodate any specific challenges an individual may face.
The group is open to all and has a range of members with thinking styles such as ADHD, autism, dyslexia, dyspraxia, and dyscalculia as well as neurotypical managers and employees who are interested in making our organisation more inclusive.
Our Vision:
Neurodiversity is fully embraced and the talents of our staff and potential staff who think differently are maximised through valuing diversity of thought.
Reasonable Adjustments
HMGCC is committed to employing people with a wide range of backgrounds and welcomes applications from people with disabilities, are neurodivergent or have a long-term health condition. As part of this, we recognise the importance of reasonable adjustments and will do our best to provide what you need so you can focus on showing your talent.
We’ll ask you at every stage what adjustments you need, however, if you’re unsure what would be helpful to you, please see below some examples of adjustments we’ve provided to candidates previously.
Reasonable adjustment examples:
- Extra time for assessments.
- Any written documents in a particular font/ size or printed on a different colour paper.
- An online or in person assessment dependent on adjustment required.
- Interview questions provided in written format.
- Additional breaks during the assessment.
- Providing extra information about what to expect.
This list is not exhaustive so if you don’t see what you need, let us know and we’ll arrange a time for a member of the team to contact you to discuss this.
Offer Of Interview Scheme
We are proud to offer candidates the opportunity to apply through the Offer Of Interview Scheme. The scheme ensures eligible candidates are selected for an interview as long as their application meets the minimum criteria for the post.
To meet the 'minimum criteria' candidates must provide us with evidence in their application form which demonstrates that they generally meet the level of competence required for each competency as well as meeting any of the qualifications, skills or experience defined as essential in the job description.
If you consider yourself to be disabled and you wish to apply for the Offer of Interview Scheme then please complete the relevant section of the form when submitting your application. Whether or not you are seeking an interview under the scheme, please advise us if you consider that you have a disability, are neurodiverse or have a long-term health condition and will require reasonable adjustments in order to participate in the interview process.
Please note: Any false declaration of disability to obtain an interview under the Offer of Interview Scheme will subsequently invalidate any offer of a post.
Frequently asked questions
The Equality Act 2010 defines a disabled person as someone who has a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect (more than 12 months) on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.
HMGCC is proudly committed to the employment and career development of disabled people.
We use our application form to identify candidates who have declared a disability and wish to be considered for the Offer of Interview scheme. Click on the 'Apply' tab at the top right of this page.
We're committed to the fair treatment of employees, potential employees, customers or suppliers, regardless of age, disability, sex, gender reassignment, pregnancy, maternity, race (which include colour, nationality and ethnic or national origins), sexual orientation, religion or belief, or because someone is married or in a civil partnership.
Armed Forces Covenant
We, HMGCC, will endeavour in our business dealings to uphold the key principles of the Armed Forces Covenant, which are:
- no member of the Armed Forces Community should face disadvantage in the provision of public and commercial services compared to any other citizen
- in some circumstances special treatment may be appropriate, especially for the injured or bereaved.
HMGCC recognises the value serving personnel, reservists, veterans and military families bring to our business. We will seek to uphold the principles of the Armed Forces Covenant, by:

- Promoting the fact that we are an armed forces- friendly organisation;
- Seeking to support the employment of veterans young and old and working with the Career Transition Partnership (CTP), in order to establish a tailored employment pathway for Service Leavers;
- Striving to support the employment of Service spouses and partners;
- Endeavouring to offer a degree of flexibility in granting leave for Service spouses and partners before, during and after a partner’s deployment;
- Seeking to support our employees who choose to be members of the Reserve forces, including by accommodating their training and deployment where possible;
- Encouraging employees to be cadet helpers or instructors;
- Accommodating current reservists with their training by offering two weeks paid leave per Leave year to attend training camps
HMGCC have published these commitments on our website, setting out how we will seek to honour them and are happy to invite feedback from the Service community on how we are doing.
Social Mobility Network
Our network is open to anyone who may have come from a low socio-economic background or colleagues who are interested in social mobility and how they can support colleagues and the organisation to promote social mobility.
Our Vision:
Fostering a culture that embraces everyone, irrelevant of their socio-economic background and education.